Crafting an Animated and Responsive Link Tree Website: A Beginner's Guide using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Limited Resources

Crafting an Animated and Responsive Link Tree Website: A Beginner's Guide using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Limited Resources Banner


Greetings everyone! Today, I'm excited to take you through a journey that combines both learning and creating. As a beginner with limited resources, such as having only a smartphone at my disposal (no PC or laptop), I embarked on an incredible adventure. In this tutorial, I'll share my personal experience on how I successfully designed and developed an animated, responsive link tree website. The best part? I managed to accomplish this feat entirely on my smartphone, utilizing the remarkable trebedit software. A link tree website is a single page that contains a collection of links to other websites or online profiles. It is a great way to organize your online presence and make it easy for visitors to find the information they are looking for.
Some people create link tree websites to promote their businesses or services. Others use them to share their work or connect with other people in their field. And still others use them to simply keep track of their favorite websites. The result of my labor is an open-source project, with the complete source code available on my GitHub repository. Make sure to check out my GitHub Profile for the source code. To make the website accessible to the world, I chose to host it on Netlify due to its user-friendly nature.

Choosing the Right Tools

Before diving into the coding details, it's crucial to lay the foundation with a thoughtful selection of color palette and fonts. I employed the fantastic coolors website to curate an aesthetically pleasing color scheme that resonated with my project's vision. To ensure a harmonious visual appeal, I opted for the comfortaa and raleway fonts. I found the coolors website to be very helpful in choosing a color palette for my link tree website. It allows you to create and save color schemes, and it also provides inspiration for creating your own. I also found the Font Awesome icons to be very useful. They are a free and open-source library of icons that can be used in web development. I used them to add icons to my link tree website to make it more visually appealing.

Gathering Resources

With my smartphone as my trusty companion, I delved into the wealth of knowledge available online. I referred to trusted sources like W3Schools and Geek for Geeks websites, which offered me valuable insights into web development concepts. Additionally, I scoured YouTube for guidance, drawing inspiration and techniques from numerous channels dedicated to web development and coding.

The Building Blocks

Starting with the HTML structure, I carefully assigned class names to different elements to maintain clarity and organization. Gradually, I added the required styles using CSS, incorporating the chosen color palette and fonts. Remarkably, I achieved responsiveness without employing traditional media queries. Instead, I leveraged the power of max-width in CSS to ensure seamless adaptability across various screen sizes. To add a touch of visual appeal, I seamlessly integrated Font Awesome icons into the design. The HTML structure of my link tree website is very simple. It consists of a div element for the main container, and a few other div elements for the links and icons. The CSS styles for my link tree website are also very simple. I used the max-width property to make the website responsive, and I used the color palette and fonts that I chose from the coolors website. The JavaScript code for my link tree website is also very simple. It listens for a click event on the links, and it copies the link URL to the clipboard.

The Dynamic Element

For the crowning touch, I ventured into the realm of JavaScript. Within the dedicated JS file, I implemented an event listener that facilitates one-click copying of links to the clipboard. As a believer in the value of collaboration, I meticulously inserted comments throughout the HTML, CSS, and JS files. This serves as a friendly gesture to fellow developers and enthusiasts who might explore my open-source project.

Putting it Out There

Following exhaustive testing and refinement, the time had come to launch my creation. With Netlify's impeccable hosting service, the website found its online home. Simultaneously, I proudly uploaded all the code to GitHub, inviting the global community to dissect, contribute, and learn from the project.


As you've seen, creating an animated, responsive link tree website isn't reserved for seasoned developers with high-tech setups. Armed with determination, limited resources, and the right tools, even a smartphone can be a potent instrument for crafting digital wonders. I hope my journey, enriched by resources from W3Schools, Geek for Geeks, and numerous YouTube channels, serves as an inspiration for you to embark on your own web development endeavors. Remember, the world of coding is vast and inclusive, offering boundless opportunities for innovation. So go ahead, take that leap of faith, and turn your creative vision into a digital reality!


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